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Bs carbs

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    Bs carbs

    Ok so I have a 1982 GS650. I just throughly cleaned and rebuilt all four of the carbs! Sonic Jet, Carb dip brushes air you name it they are better than factory clean. Now the getting these float heights correct! The manual and every where you look give you a float height of 22.4 give or take 1 mm (0.88 give or take 0.04 in.) Thats great but when set to that height the bike doesnt run nothing at all!!! I screw that all up and surprise more fuel in the bowl she runs but then the great problem puddle of fuel on the floor!!! So i ask who has the miracle number of float height or the devine way of setting the float height on these BS (BULL$...) Carbs. Thank you guys for all the input in advance I know if I am going to get a solid answer its here!

    If the carbs are clean and you are having trouble with the carbs overflowing when the floats are set correctly, more than likely it's because the springs in the float needle(s) are weak. I'd replace them...

    new float needles are available from Z1.
    De-stinking Penelope


      Maybe not so factory clean.... was there much adjustment made to the float tangs?It's better to use a clear line with an adapter attached to the carbs so you see actual fuel height.....there's a picture on here somewhere... Why did you do this in the first place? Was there a problem? So many problems caused just by trying to make things better....remember KISS ... keep it simple stupid...not that yer stupid, we all have our days
      Last edited by Guest; 04-17-2010, 03:54 PM. Reason: additn speelin


        Everything is new seats needles the whole nine yards. When the floats are set to proper height I have fuel in the bowl but no where else. Fudge the height on the float to allow more fuel into the bowl and flooding occurs but bike runs great. now I did over shoot the mark a little just to see the result. Thats why I'm asking if anyone has the devine number for float height. Had to rebuild sat and varnished all was trashed the spring in the needles was crusted solid the tips were worn it was just all bad I wish i didnt have to have done all that
        Last edited by Guest; 04-17-2010, 03:56 PM.


          Make sure you are measuring from the right spot on the float and without the bowl gasket


            Done and Done. Measured several times below the groove where the gasket would be if you werent measuring the float height!


              Originally posted by jmac1313 View Post
              Everything is new seats needles the whole nine yards. When the floats are set to proper height I have fuel in the bowl but no where else.
              Have you checked the fuel level with the engine running?

              Life is too short to ride an L.


                Not as of this time, I have yet bein able to find a good way of checking the fuel level that way without the carb "peeing" on me. When I did the bench measurment and put them back on the bike it wouldnt even start i pulled the drain plug just to double check to see if I had fuel there. I pulled the carbs after that tweaked the tang on the float stuck them back on and she ran but poured out of the air intake.


                  With all due are on the wrong track with your thinking. GS bikes run perfectly with the fuel height at factory spec so if your bike isn't running when set up that way there is some other problem.

                  Make a fuel height gauge like shown in the suzuki factory manual. If you don't have a factory manual you can download one from basscliff's site for free.

                  Something more obvious is wrong with your bike so your job now is to find it. Oh, and aftermarket carb kits are inferior in most ways from the factory parts so you might want to double check everything and consider reusing the stock jets.

                  There is a carb rebuild tutorial linked on the GSR homepage, in the Garage section.

                  Good luck and don't give up.

                  To measure is to know.

                  Mikuni O-ring Kits For Sale...

                  Top Newbie Mistakes thread...

                  Carb rebuild tutorial...

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                    You can set the float heights as accurately as you like but that does not guarantee the fuel level is right. And that is what really matters. There are variations in the spring strength of the spring thing on the float needle, and in the boyancy of each float.

                    You have to rig up the clear platic tubing thing on each carb and play with the float heights until you get the fuel level right. Then the bike will right.



                      Can some one help me out on a link for the fuel gauge rig. I did download the manual from basscliff but it gives me a fuel gauge set 09913-14511!


                        Ok so I'll continue this in this thread. Only when the bike is running I'm pouring gas out of the intake side of the carbs?? It's coming out the passage that goes to the needle jet and main jet. Like stated previous everthing is new but now thinking about it the y-7 needle jet is not but the main jet is new?? Any ideas is this all caused by the needle jet not being new??
                        Last edited by Guest; 04-20-2010, 10:49 AM.

