Well, as promised there are some special folks that deserve an extra special thanks. I don't want to embarrass anyone, but I think it needs to be known.
First, I want to thank the people that really dug deep to contribute.
Some of the folks that gave were unemployed, some are on a fixed income, and some were from a far away country. Some even chose to remain anonymous.
The fact that they still wanted see that bike stay with it's rightful owner speaks volumes about their character.
Thank you.
There are also two people that went the extra mile and did what it took to put us over the top.
Truth be told, we hit a wall right above the $3,000.00 mark.
When I started this, these two gentleman contacted me and told me that they would cover the balance if we fell short of the goal. Man did they ever deliver.
Saltymonk (Dan) and TomMLC (Tom) gave $1,000.00 each to get put us past $5,000.00.
How incredible is that?
Thank you!
This message is for Renobruce:
I know this doesn't make everything perfect but I hope this is the start of things getting better for you.
Just think, no matter how bad things get, all you have to do is go to the garage and look at that bike. You'll think of everyone here and I'm sure it'll make you smile.
Btw, If you attempt to sell that bike again, Dan and Tom have promised everyone at The GS Resources that they will personally come by and break both your kneecaps. Consider yourself warned.
