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Are there any ladies on here or what?
Gramma Peppermint
... and spark plug wires!!! Mr. Sookie will be thrilled about that... My spark plug wires are pink...
Ohhh yeah and since chainsaws are being discussed these days, be sure and find a mid 90s Poulan chainsaw, they were splashed with lots of purple paint. In fact almost everything in the mid 90s got splashed with purple paint."Men will never be free until Mark learns to do The Twist."
-Denis D'shaker
79 GS750N
Gramma Peppermint
My motorcycle custom paint job is splashed with purple paint !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The artist took it upon himself to do it... I've gotten used to it, but didn't like it at all at first! He was a little miffed...
Not to worry Allie she found the purple duct tape alreadyThere are just times it all becomes a bit much with the purple,the idea of a purple tree was just to much so yeah I lost it.I take most of it in stride but there are times I HAVE to say no way.
Last edited by Guest; 01-05-2015, 08:07 PM.
Mrs Sooke
Originally posted by Gramma Peppermint View PostI got a good laugh out of that one! I also am a purple lover. (I made this up...) .........."IF IT'S PRETTY IN PINK, THEN IT'S PERFECT IN PURPLE"..........
So nice to see you posting. Please stay with us for the present rendition of "Off Topic". Most often, that's where I hang out also.I wish that I could own my own motor cycle, but can`t. I am on disability and they have told me that if I operate a motor cycle myself I will lose the disability.
I have found a place that will make my leather riding gear, hubby already knows it is going to be purple!
Last edited by Guest; 01-05-2015, 08:06 PM.
Mrs Sooke
Originally posted by SVSooke View PostNot to worry Allie she found the purple duct tape alreadyThere are just times it all become a bit much with the purple,the idea of a purple tree was just to much so yeah I lost it.I take most of it in stride but there are times I HAVE to say no way.
Yes I will admit that the purple sometimes does get on his nerves, but when we got married he did say for better or worse! Even though he can sometimes says no to purple items I still love him. Wish he would remember that when he is saying no!Last edited by Guest; 01-06-2015, 08:27 PM.
Gramma Peppermint
Just for fun, you can always look up the meaning of colors.... I've been using color healing for decades, along with natural gemstones, herbs, oils, etc., (especially prayer!... and the MIND.)
Some people say I'm far out. I say they are right and, "I'm staying that way because I can see more from out there"...
Here's a little info:
Red - fire/deep love; (action)
Purple - spirituality; (higher thinking)
Yellow - energy; (sun)
Green - growth; (heart)
Pink - love; (humanitarian + )
Blue - peace (sky)
There are many interpretations, that I have studied most of my adult life... But, if you keep to the basics above, you can use it in everyday life. For instance: Waiting rooms are painted blue, to relax people; McDonald's uses orange and yellow, because those colors make you want to eat; I like to drink out of green glass or cup for my heart (what if?); and so on........ I'm sure you get it.
Originally posted by Mrs Sooke View PostI am so glad that you got a good laugh from my post. You definitely sound like my kind of person. I have to admit that I still try to bring him around to my kind of thinking when it comes to my color, but not having much luck. His favorite color is red, he would have really liked me when I was little due to then the color had to be red!I wish that I could own my own motor cycle, but can`t. I am on disability and they have told me that if I operate a motor cycle myself I will lose the disability.
I have found a place that will make my leather riding gear, hubby already knows it is going to be purple!
sigpicMrBill Been a GSR member on and off since April 2002
1980 GS 750E Bought new in Feb of 1980
Stuff I've done to my bike:dancing: 1100E front end with new Sonic springs, 1100E swing arm conversion with new Progressive shocks installed, 530 sprockets/chain conversion, new SS brake lines, new brake pads. New SS fasteners through out. Rebuilt carbs, new EBC clutch springs and horn installed. New paint. Motor runs strong.
Gramma Peppermint
Mrs. Sooke: Being disabled has certainly limited my riding time... But, just knowing I can go for a short ride, is very healing (at least for my brain). I wish it were possible for you also.
I apologize for feeling somewhat 'puffed up' about the fact that we might just be a little more free. I am guilty, but, not ashamed.
Motorcycle custom paint my job was filled with purple paint!
The artists took it upon themselves to do it.
Gramma Peppermint
Lila, Honey, Are you still around?
Somehow I missed this! It's been tooooo long... How is life treating you?
Originally posted by Gramma Peppermint View PostJust for fun, you can always look up the meaning of colors.... I've been using color healing for decades, along with natural gemstones, herbs, oils, etc., (especially prayer!... and the MIND.)
Some people say I'm far out. I say they are right and, "I'm staying that way because I can see more from out there"...
Here's a little info:
Red - fire/deep love; (action)
Purple - spirituality; (higher thinking)
Yellow - energy; (sun)
Green - growth; (heart)
Pink - love; (humanitarian + )
Blue - peace (sky)
There are many interpretations, that I have studied most of my adult life... But, if you keep to the basics above, you can use it in everyday life. For instance: Waiting rooms are painted blue, to relax people; McDonald's uses orange and yellow, because those colors make you want to eat; I like to drink out of green glass or cup for my heart (what if?); and so on........ I'm sure you get it.
I remember reading about that! I thought it was particularly interesting. I am autistic, and as such, I am a font of superfluous information.
My GS550 is painted red, and I certainly heeded a call to action when I saw it. I was looking on Craigslist at motorcycles before I had to leave for the job I had at the time, so I could see exactly how many thousands of dollars I would have to save. I saw this post about a "Suzuki," posted 43 minutes before I started looking, for $200! Not only that, but it was right off the trail I took on my bicycle to get to work, and a mile from where I lived... all on the day before I was going to take the MSF course. This was a sign from the universe, and I couldn't pass it up. So I bought it. That was in July, I believe. Still working on getting it to reliably run, but it does run.1980 GS550E