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Do It Yourself custom earplugs - great buy

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    Do It Yourself custom earplugs - great buy

    This kit will let you make your own custom earplugs for about a third to a half of what you would pay to have an audiologist do it at a bike or gun show. I had a custom set made at Daytona a couple of years ago and then lost one of them last summer. I was looking for someone to make another set when I came across this product.

    The company is in UK. I think it was around $30 altogether. They send you two goopy little masses, one orange and one white that you separate into three parts each and then combine one part of each into a ball. After the two parts are combined the hardening process begins. You press the ball into your ear following their instructions. It takes about 5 minutes and then you let it cure in you ear for 15 minutes. You have a plug custom made that seems to work as well or better than the ones I had done professionally.

    They send you enough for three ears so you can screw up the first one you do learning and still get two right to have a set. It's really not that hard; you just wad the stuff up and stick in your ear. We got all three correct so I was able to make a replacement for the plug I lost last summer and now have two custom sets. This product seems to work as advertised.

    Believe in truth. To abandon fact is to abandon freedom.

    Nature bats last.

    80 GS850G / 2010 Yamaha Majesty / 81 GS850G

    What a great idea! Joe and Cathy (Nardy) had some custom plugs done that include buds for plugging in their intercom/satellite radio/Ipods/etc, and they like 'em a lot. I wouldn't be at all surprised if you could use this kit to make two plugs and then use the extra material to custom mold some plugs and duplicate the kind of sound-buds Joe and Cathy have... I may have to try this!



      Like you, Don, I have a problem ear canal. I am ordering these now. The foam disposables really irratate my ear after insertion/removal, and the re-useables don't seem to fit snug enough to be effective. Thanks for the heads up!
      Currently bikeless
      '81 GS 1100EX - "Peace, by superior fire power."
      '06 FZ1000 - "What we are dealing with here, is a COMPLETE lack of respect for the law."

      I ride, therefore I am.... constantly buying new tires.

      "Tell me what kind of an accident you are going to have, and I will tell you which helmet to wear." - Harry Hurt


        Ordered mine right after my last post. I've always had very sensitive ears, and I can't stand having anything in them or even on them. I'm cautiously optimistic that this will be a decent alternative, especially after reading some testimonials from people with similar issues...

        Looking forward to it!


          Originally posted by Planecrazy View Post
          I've always had very sensitive ears, and I can't stand having anything in them or even on them.
          Are you Rainman??? LOL


            Originally posted by Zooks View Post
            Are you Rainman??? LOL
            "Definitely Wapner at 1:30..." ;-)



              That type of plug has been around for about 35 years (I had 2 sets made when I worked in a plywood mill). The ones I had were made by General Electric and I'll bet you can find them in the U.S. for way less than $ the way, I still have one set left but lost the other.8-[
              1980 GS1100E....Number 15!

