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Americade 2005 report or why I like GSR rides better

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    Americade 2005 report or why I like GSR rides better

    Well Donna and I went west to Lake George NY for Americade 2005.
    Had the bike on the trailer to Rutland VT. Donna isn't up for that long of trips yet.
    Hot when we left Maine at 7am, brutal when we got to Lake George at 11am. 95F and muggy
    Used to be a classy meet but sadly it seems to be just another Hardly/imitation Hardly group there now.
    I would have to say almost 75% would fit into that group. The rest were crotch rockets, a few BMWs and Goldwings. I was told about 55,000 people were there. Out of all that we only saw 2 GSes. One 1982 GS1100E that I handed a card to, and he was excited to hear about us. 8) 8) 8)
    And a GS1150 as we were leaving. Unfortunately didn't get to many tents or even the ranch because it was just too crowded. I think we were among the very few that was wearing jackets and gloves. A prime group for skin cancer. Donna is a fair skinned redhead and could not believe the redheads riding around with almost nothing on 8O 8O
    And not all that good to look at anyway 8O :x
    Here is a shot of the parking field we were in. Mind you there were probably 10 to 15 more lots through out the area.
    [img]!AZlYIHWesZNBQ9HJ7YJ0dBXMyh*WMTzNzwi4s7Vx8VR Lt5UkqEp6Bi3IMPpAlC7gydqr5!qdyFlfFU4PhdcwDV!xKmavd uMXrkzuCm3mMLT4Ha!vvlV!UyGdkuquHqNfffWHk/americade%202005%20007.jpg[/img]

    Neat side of the day as we were on the way home, we stopped for gas. A nice couple on a Bandit and there friend on a Hardley were getting gas also.
    Well even before I could get the nozzle out to get gas, they were over asking what year,milage etc. 8) 8) 8)
    Some more cards handed out. Seems the guy on the bandit has a red GS1100E in his cellar and didn't know of us. Spreading the word some more. 8) 8) 8)
    So overall had a good but long day. Only hit a little rain on the way home but no biggy.

    Guess I just like ridng and hanging out with my GSR friends much better 8) 8) 8)
    Doug aka crag antler

    83GS1100E, gone
    2000 Kawasaki Concours
    Please wear ATGATT

    I'd love to do a GS ride. Funny how every year the old GS gets more & more recognition.

    Went to Laguna Seca last year. Ran into a guy on a KZ 1000- high fives for the survivors.


      I was down there on Sunday from Burlington with my 82 GS650GLZ. Sorry I didn't see you either. I was with three guys on HDs and while sitting on 9N waiting for the light near McDs I received a compliment about how nice the bike looked. The guys with the new HDs couldn't believe it. Tough luck for them. Every other bike there looked the same, HDs and Goldwings. No originality!

      Keep biking



        the pic didnt come through for me--Glad you're riding a bit too. im shooting at trailering to MO. in a couple of weeks if i dont get drowned loading the bike.

