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What can You get for $5.70!

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    What can You get for $5.70!

    Well, let Me set this up First. Good Friday is a Paid Holiday for Me so I woke up this Morning with a "Free Day" to Fill Up. Set aside the Morning for Honey Do's and went with the Wife to take Her 81 Year Old Mother to Her Weekly Hair Dresser Appointment then Out to Breakfast. After that the Weekly Wal Mart Trip which I despise BUT got Points with the Wife and Mother in Law. After We got home about Noon, Read the Mail and Took a Quick 45 Minute Cat Nap while the Wife Laid down for a Long Nap.

    When I got Up I thought "What to Do Now?". It is Sunny, Mid 80's here Today with a Gusting Breeze. I Fired up the 850 and Headed out with No particular destination in Mind and wound up Headed East out of Town. I turned off the Main Road onto a Narrow Paved country Road that I hadn't been on in 20 Years or so and enjoyed some nice Spring Scenery and a few narrow sweeping Curves. The next intersection took Me toward the Blood River area of Kentucky Lake so on I rolled. I found Myself at Lakeway Shores Subdivision where I was Sharing a House with Three other Guys when I met My Wife of 25 1/2 Years at a New Years Eve Party in 1979. It took Me Two Passes to Pick out the House Because it's been Remodeled a time or Two since then (God knows it needed it after being a Rental to College Guys for Years:shock: )

    When I left there I found Myself on a Nice Stretch of Twisties, I'm sure not Dragon Quality but 4 or 5 Miles of Solid Double Yellow Line. I didn't attack them Too Aggresively because My Tires are of Uncertain Age and Mileage. (New Ones Ordered as Well as Brake Pads) Came back to another Main Road for a few Miles then Detoured off in for 10 or 12 Miles of Chip and Seal Rural Riding. Eventually made My way back to Town and Topped off the Tank, 1.99 Gallons at $2.85.9 which came to $5.70!:-D
    sigpic2002 KLR650 Ugly but fun!
    2001 KLR650 too pretty to get dirty

    Life is a balancing act, enjoy every day, "later" will come sooner than you think. Denying yourself joy now betting you will have health and money to enjoy life later is a bad bet.

    Where I've been Riding

    Sounds ike a great day to me! I think you got your money's worth. LOL

    All the robots copy robots.

    Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

    You are free to choose, but you are not free from the consequences of your choices.


      Awesome. :-D


        Nothing Like An Afternoon Ride!!!!!!!!


          Now that's money well spent! :-D


            Update, Speaking about Money Well Spent. I rode the Same Route Today with New Dunlop 404 Rubber as well as Brake Pads. All I can Say is WOW! What a difference, Especially in the Twisties. The 850 was Really feeling Frisky and the Grip is Amazing. I was on the Throttle through Sections of Road Today that Had Me on the Brakes a Month Ago!:-D It cost Me a Little More to Fill up Today because I Took the Twisties in Both Directions.\\/
            sigpic2002 KLR650 Ugly but fun!
            2001 KLR650 too pretty to get dirty

            Life is a balancing act, enjoy every day, "later" will come sooner than you think. Denying yourself joy now betting you will have health and money to enjoy life later is a bad bet.

            Where I've been Riding

