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what i've learnin fixin my gs 750 e

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    what i've learnin fixin my gs 750 e

    started out yesterday. plan, to adjust valves, and replace both gaskets and orings for the bolts. this job went pretty smooth, although i had someone walk me thur it. removed seat and tank, coils and the cap on the valve cover, and the timing cover i'll call it cause i don't know what else to call it, oh yeah and the plugs, tip i got from here. rolled the crank to the t mark and checked each valve that had the lobe up on that side, some were ok, some lil tight, contiuned around the valves till all was adjusted, had to remove one oil line to get the 4mm socket on the one nut. cleaning the gasket sealer from the last guy was the hardest part of that job, i think he used alot up in the valve cover it's self. the little gasket on the top was made of paper like material and was hard as a rock, not to mention the shape inside didn't match the cover or the new gasket i had, should have been a big square hole in the front with two pin holes the old gasket did not have this, note my new gasket "rubber" matched the cover, i had to use razor blade to remove this gasket! reassembled everything and it fired up just great. day two was time for two sprockets and new chain " which i thought had a clip " nope rivot chain, here we go! put bike up on jack stands "careful" they can slip forward eh! lol took old chain apart, nothing left to it one year old cheap chain "pay the money" removed front sproket cover and sproket and rear tire, replaced both of them and put tire on the chain to measure it. 120 links in the RK Chain gs 750 e 83 models need 116, taken the grinder to brand new 130 dollor chain, i was sweating, removed the four links just fine with a good punch and ball peen hammer. once we had the lenth figured out we had to figure out how to rivot the link without the tools...c clamp, ball peen hammer and punch that almost fit into the link rivot. we used the clamp to press the link thur, used the punch to mushroom the top and the ball peen hammer to spread it out, not as easy as it sounds, took quite some time actually hardest part of the job "longest" we also used the clamp on the rivot to start the mushroom effect. "mostly I just watched and learned this part, i didn't totolly understand untill it started to look like a rivot once he had a good start on it he let me do round 2 and 3. "workin the link" adjusted the chain to tight reassembleing while still on the jacks stands, loseing the tire and hit it forward and she slide forward off the stands thank god we caught it and she didn't fall off the stands but slide to the back of the frame and stopped "lucky" anyway after adjusting the chain and taking her off the stands i realized i had to adjust the chain with the bike on the ground, loosen everything all over and do it again. it's all done now and bike seems to be working very well, hopefully in couple of weeks i will take the carbs off and clean them with the right stuff and change the oil, hoping for a nice long, trouble free, fast ride tommorow, thanks for all the tips and help guys it went a longway.

    Happy Trails

    Phew! Got tired readin' that.

    Don't forget to breathe!


      And don't you feel better?
      Doing it yourself and knowing it's done right!
      1980 GS1000S, blue and white
      2015Triumph Trophy SE

      Ever notice you never see a motorcycle parked in front of a psychiatrist office?

