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Idiot Season.. dumb riders

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    Idiot Season.. dumb riders

    I can't be the only one seeing these idiots

    the other day i saw a guy riding a 500 ninja in....

    the smallest helmet I've ever seen, a bathing suit, and beach slippers... and thats it! no shirt, no gloves.. not even SOCKS for god sake.

    I got passed by a CBR600 on the 401, the rider was doing about 160km/h.. may be 170 (I may or may not have been doing about 140-150)

    the rider, full face helmet, a sleeveless basketball jersey, tenis shoes, gym shorts.. no gloves... and again. NO SOCKS?!?!?!

    Harley rider... in karkey shorts, torn cotten T-shirt, half helmet, and running shoes..

    at least he had socks on...

    I can;t be the only one seeing this stuff

    It is strange the things you notice now that you know what you are looking for. Like not seeing a particular car till you think you might want to buy one or after you have bought one. I understand what you are saying I guess foward controls & baggie shorts might be refreshing:shock: but shorts foward controls & a ticked off wasp now ther is a different story[-o<

    I always wonder if these squids have hit any thing while riding. I ware a Joe Rocket jacket and have hit several June bugs & you sware someone is throwing baseballs at you, can't imagine what that wold feel like on bare skin or threw a Tshirt. Or stones that hit you knuckles threw your gloves. OUCH.

    Oh well enough horror stories Those that dont learn from there mistakes are bound to repeat them.



      yeah, i see a lot of that around here. blows my mind.

      hell, i went on a ride on the 4th wearing jeans because i couldn't find my riding pants and i felt really naked, lol!



        ...dumb riders

        Well, we have all seen these fellow bikers? but what is worse than the dress. but the attitude is mental also.a gent on a v-rod H,D. nearly cost me my life but himself aswell. he nearly 1" or less"passed on my r,side at 70mph in a 25mph zone. after my heart started to pump o2 to my brain, i followed him, i wanted his plate #. bad! he pulled into p.lot i foolishly followed. i asked a ? about eye sight. he said my POS Suzuki was going to slow get that junk off the road. i started to laugh "So you almost killed us because I do not drive a harley davidson.He pushed me and my suzy over while i was in gear running. long story but He ticked me off. shawn
        P.S. 3 witness's plate # description,tattos
        see ya in court cuz!:mrgreen:


          Its not just the squids. Harley and custom cruiser guys seem just as bad. I have a good friend who just spent better than$50K on a custom pro street beast who rides in shorts, flip flops and a half helmet. He's been riding for 30+ years so he should know better. The day he brings it around to show me, he dressed like mentioned and has the new girlfriend on the back ( pillion seat is about 6" x4") in a similar get-up. The thing that really got me was she had flip flops on and her pegs were set between the pipes on the right side and a couple of inches back from the open primary belt on the left side. I don't know how she didn't lose toes or burn her ankle.I'll try and post pictures for you.

          My first ever solo ride on my own first bike and I was wearing a half helmet. driving down a back country road, I take a bee or wasp on the side of the head under the strap. Damn near put the bike in a ditch and ended up with a big welt on the side of the head. Ever since then, I ride with full face and leather or codura from head to toe.

          What really gets me apoplectic is not the idiot studs but the idiots that have the gfriend on the back with no protection. I saw one theother day. He's all kitted out. The girls in shorts,flip flops and halter top. It may have just been a flip around the block but still he's taking a big chance.

          it always reminds me of that clip on youtube with the guy who pops a wheelie and flips the girlfriend off the bike to land on her face. That's one way to quickly end a romance.

          I'm all for rights and freedoms but new riders at least need to be reminded to suit up. The cops should be able to ticket if you're not wearing minimum boots, jeans, jacket and proper helmet.

          My two cents.



            Two summers ago I was coming home from my friend's wedding reception on a beautiful day. We saw an ambulance on the side of I-95, a sportbike and a guy and his girlfirend talking with the paramedics. They weren't severely injured, but the girl who was wearing a halter tank-top had all of the skin shaved off her hip/ab area. It looked like a big juicy steak. I doubt that scar is going to heal nicely.

            I don't know how the accident happened/ if it was the rider's fault, etc.
            But I just don't understand how you can take your girlfriend on a major highway in a tank-top. The section there happens to be concrete which seems like it would be even worse to slide on than asphalt.


              a new one
              this is jsut me fuming

              some idiot in a cage through a bottle out his window, about 100ft ahead of me on the 403. by the time i got there it was a cloud of glass shards. I was wearing my MESH riding jacket..... not happy at all.


                Did you get his number?

                I picked up the GS this morning from the shop. The manager says to me "Nice to see you are wearing all the kit( leather boots, cordura pants and jacket with armour, full face helmet and gloves)" He goes on to tell me they just had a kid drop off a brand new YZ something or other for 3.5 grand worth of repairs. He was wearing flipflops shorts and t-shirt. Low sided the bike and road rash from ankle to shoulder. Funny thing was he comes in to get the repaired bike.....wearing sandals, shorts and a tee. I guess he figured the sandals were a safety feature.

                All you can do is shake your head, some people are just accidents waiting to happen.

                for twits like you encountered, I heard of guys putting a strip of fairly wide masking tape on the tank and tying a grease pencil or crayon to the handlebars to jot down the plate number when you encounter something like this. Not a bad idea. One of those personal voice recorders are also not a bad idea for taking notes.

                I think you need to park the bike this weekend and do some seems to me you're running into more incidents that any new guy should.

                Keep safe.


                  More of the same today.

                  Out running around to the bank and errands at lunchtime. I count 12 m/cs mostly cruisers and only one guys with boots jeans helmet leather jacket, and gloves.

                  Everyone else mostly running shoes, cut off shorts, wife beaters or sleeveless Ts, half helmets (2 novelty Nazi helmets) and no gloves.

                  They don't believe in signals or shoulder checks either.

                  Followed one guy from the mountain brow all the way up Upper Gage to Rymal. He changed lanes 14 times to get around slower cars. Didn't signal once or even look over his shoulder. I'm not sure he even looked in the mirror as I never saw his head turn or move up or down. I guess he figured his chrome Nazi lid was keeping him safe from all the cagers.

                  Its twats like this that get the rest of us a bad rep. Possing as a bad ass on his $30+ Hardley....likely a dentist on his day off.

                  Well try and keep safe.
                  Cheers all,


                    speaking of wrenching and dentists.

                    my dentist is giving me a motorcycle. i'm not sure what model, but is it a 80's suzuki, 400cc... I'm hyped

                    I'm also looking at a 1980 CM200T... hundred bucks. I'm thinking for my girl friend..or just to fix and hock


                      It's that time of year. Finally warm enough for the summer-only riders to hit the road. They're typically daylight riders who are out to impress. Bikes are chick magnets, doncha know!

                      I find the riders who are in the t-shirt and shorts with a full face the funniest. Apparently a lid will keep you out of the hospital if you go down. :roll:

                      When I had to pick my 13 year old daughter up from a friend's house a couple weeks ago, she got the helmet and my leather jacket. My thought is that when I have a passenger, the passenger is who needs the most protection.

                      Brad bt


                        Originally posted by bradleymaynar View Post
                        It's that time of year. Finally warm enough for the summer-only riders to hit the road. They're typically daylight riders who are out to impress. Bikes are chick magnets, doncha know!

                        I find the riders who are in the t-shirt and shorts with a full face the funniest. Apparently a lid will keep you out of the hospital if you go down. :roll:

                        When I had to pick my 13 year old daughter up from a friend's house a couple weeks ago, she got the helmet and my leather jacket. My thought is that when I have a passenger, the passenger is who needs the most protection.

                        Brad bt
                        Exactly. When Terri (GF) is on back she gets the better gloves and the jacket that fits her right. I feel more responsibility for her while riding than I do for myself. She accepts that the proper gear is the way to go and is glad to wear her full face even though it messes her hair up.:roll:


                          I'll admit I wear a half helmet, but I always wear a minimum of jeans, gloves, at least high top tennis shoes (preferably boots). I need to get a summer riding jacket (hell I need a new winter one too since I went down and shredded it in Dec.) If I'm not wearing a jacket I at least have a leather vest to protect my body a little bit.


                            Originally posted by Gravity Tester View Post
                            Those that dont learn from there mistakes are bound to repeat them.

                            Some mistakes can't be learned from, unless made by others.
                            It's natures way of refining the genepool.

                            Personally, I get hit with way too much flying debris to go without all that gear.

                            Flying car parts hurt even with a helmet.

                            Life is too short to ride an L.


                              I was leaned over pretty good when a 2x4 fell out of the truck ahead, directly into my line. I had to get creative, but I missed it. I thought afterwards theat even though I was dang warm I would be glad I had the gear on if things would've went south.

