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Pick up ride to Fort Kent
This ride will have to wait.
Boss came in and revoked the time off for a pop up meeting happening tomorrow afternoon.
Oh well. I get most of the day off but need to be on campus in person at 4PM tomorrow until 8PM.
Guess I'll have to settle with some more local riding.
At least this weekend I'm getting most of the time off I requested to ride northern NH and hang out with Jethro .
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One thing I consistently found was that sitting at a cruising speed of 80 - 85mph, by the time I took into account fuel stops, ass breaks, etc, the average would always be 55mph.
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I've done a number of 1,000 mile days, the last one was on my GS1000. Great seat, definitely an all day motorcycle. Looks like you've got it pretty much figured out. The only thing I do different is every gas stop get off for at least 5 minutes. Last one was in 85F - 90F temps so I was rehydrating with a litre of water every stop and a small snack every second stop with no real stop for a meal. Powerbar, Clif bar, it bit of fruit, but usually something out of the tank bag. Meals take time and make me tired, as long as I kept the calories, water levels and electrolytes adjusted as needed I was good. Gatorade in my afternoon water was great help due to the heat. If the tires aren't turning you're not getting anywhere. I would figure out what my average speed/distance should be at any given point and try to keep ahead of the curve a bit and consider any mileage above the curve as time in the bank not to be used to arrive early but to add a few minutes to my stops. All this can be accomplished staying within 8 to10MPH of most speed limits. As you said at higher speeds you use more fuel but you get tired easier with the higher speeds ...both sort of self defeating. The trip sounds like a blast. Stay safe and have fun ...lots of it.Last edited by Sandy; 06-21-2024, 03:04 PM.
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Pick up ride to Fort Kent
Planning this coming Tuesday to do a pickup ride to Fort Kent Maine.
Every big mile motorcycle trip this season has been cancelled for either work or personal reasons. This coming Tuesday opened up with having to work next Sunday so decided to just disappear for a nice all day ride.
Never been to the start of US1 but thought I would check it out. Also wanted to still ensure I can ride +1000 miles in a day.
Here's the planned route. I'll be riding the Bonneville for this one.
I don't know much about the last leg of route 11 North of interstate 95. As what the speed limit is.
But the plan is this:- Trip Stats: Google Maps is saying 16.75 hours and 1065 miles.
- Departure of Vermont: by 2AM get to fort Kent just by 11AMish.
- Lunch break: Plan my mid ride break of Stretching, lube the chain, eat a snack, drink some water, use the restroom and briefly take a pic of the start of US 1 at Fort Kent.
- Return to Vermont: head out by no later than Noon to be home by the time the sun goes down around 8/9PM.
- Fuel specs: Stop for fuel every 150-180 miles (typical fuel range of the T120) or 2.5-3 hours, every other stop starting with the first will be the roll, fill and go method (have that down to 5 minute fuel stops and quick swing of water to wet the whistle, don't get off the bike) for every other stop; pee break, slightly more water, get off the bike to stretch 10 minutes tops . The T120 gets a solid 52MPG on average at 70MPH or less. Go faster and that number goes down quickly. I will draft when I can the best is finding a semi that's going that target speed, I've gotten +200 miles a tank. Tank size is 3.8 Gallons with the light coming on around 3 Gallons consumed.
- Time budgets: looking like 6/7 fuel stops should do it. Add the mid half hour lunch break in there and it's about 1.5 hours for the time budget on that, 16 hours of saddle time at 67mph average speed. So add it all up and we are looking at 18 hours will be my total time budget. Leave by 2AM get back home by 8PM, 9PM tops.
- Challenges: getting to the interstate, no way to make good time, especially at 0-dark-thirty with moose, deer and bear everywhere, I'll be limited to slower speeds as I cross the Green Mountains. Route 11 will be a nice change up to I-95 but can't find a speed limit, if someone knows Maine speed limit that would be helpful, I think it's 55MPH but if it's slower than might loose some time, knocking my average MPH down. I won't be going too fast on the Slab.
- Weather: it's looks to be in the 70's for Tuesday, no rain.
- Emergency Supply: Carry my Jump/Air pump box, a jack and tire plugs. If I have catastrophic failures I have my AAA card and a Credit Card on the ready. If I'm not feeling it this route is easy enough to just turn around and head back home.
- Meds: I always run a ride like this with NSAIDs. Hit the Aleve at 2AM with 2 Advil off the bat. I take Advil every 4-6 hours 400mg and add in a 500mg Tylenol pill every 6 hours 3 hours after I hit the Advil that's if it's needed. If I'm really rough I'll add in Aspirin but if I do I'll likely shut the ride down at that point. I'll hit the 2nd Aleve pill at 2PM. Since I do suffer from Migraines I will carry my emergency med with me, usually it's best taken with Tylenol so I'd hit 1000mg of Tylenol with it (if I didn't take any yet) . The good news is the stuff is dang effective and if I take it while I see aura I will actually feel better after that point for the rest of the day.
- Tolls: I have my bike setup in the Maine toll system so I can just roll through the easy pass points to save time, It will cost around $10 to use the Maine turnpike.
Best,Tags: None
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