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HTML in signatures not working

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    HTML in signatures not working

    I have been hearing of some forum members saying that their signatures and the HTML contained in them is no longer working. I am not sure how HTML has been working in the posts since I thought that functionality was no longer available since vBulletin considers it a huge security risk. I also hear a complaint that HTML signatures aren't working either. Again, IHTML shouldn't be working anywhere from what I understand. But I'm also not sure how people are getting sigs since I had that specific functionality turned off. Are you copying code and just pasting it in your posts or is it a real signature?

    In any case I have turned on the signature functionality. To create your own signature click on the little gazinta to the right of your forum name at the top of the forum page and pick the User Settings option and then the Account tab. Once there click on Edit Post Signature link in the Conversation Detail Options​ section. Create a signature and use the toolbar there to format your text or manually use BBCode. Your sig should automatically be added to any post you create. There is a limit of 100 characters for sigs. For those of you who hate signatures you can turn off the displaying of others sigs in Conversation Detail Options​​ section of your User Settings.
    Last edited by administrator; 09-15-2024, 11:36 PM.
    This is a test of signatures.

    There should be a word bolded in this line through the toolbar.

    There should be a word bolded in this line through <b>HTML</b>

    There should be a word bolded in this line through BBCode