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Let's See What We Can Do To Help Josh!!!

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    You know, you guys are the greatest. I've never met any of you, not even Josh, you are all family to me though. As screwed up as the world has gotten it humbles me to see so many people care for someone enough to come to his aid. I'd do the same for anyone here. Any of us could find ourselves in a position much worse than this in a heartbeat. Over the years we've come together to help the widows of Jojo and Krash in a big way. Busafied lost his wife and many came through again. What was done for Bruce was inspiring, I'm just sorry I had taken a hiatus and found out about it after the fact. Maybe there's hope for the human race after all.


      [QUOTE=Billy Ricks;1278296]You know, you guys are the greatest. I've never met any of you, not even Josh, you are all family to me though.)

      Well, then, It's about time you met some of us !!!...........pmint


        My friends and GSR family,

        Tonight Rose and I had my stepdad, Bob, over for dinner. Bob is your classic work-a-holic, but our boss demanded that he and I take the rest of the week off. Both of us had said that we would be ok to work our schedules but they would have none of it. We had been given the rest of the week off with bereavement pay so that he and I can not only mourn but handle the business at hand. At any rate, while I have had things to do at the house and in the garage to keep me occupied, I wanted to have him over to make sure he was ok, or as on as could be expected and that he was eating.
        On top of that I wanted to discuss with him his financial situation, and where we were with that and arrangements for my mother.

        He and I have both worked for the restaurant for well over 10 years. I a bit longer than he, but we are fortunate to have quite a few friends as both customers and co-workers. Unbeknownst to both of us, they had all taken up a collection to help us deal with the coming days and costs. Then, I got to share with him the fact that people he had never met or spoken to (he has met a couple of you through me) had by thier own accord taken up a collection to come to his aid as well. Rose has a running talley, and I had just the other day cashes my paycheque and hadn't gone to the bank to deposit it. While he was here, Rose checked the balance of the paypal account that she had given to Billy for those who wanted to make donations,and we were able to give him over $500 cash right then and there.
        He, like me, is not easily moved to displays of emotion, but after a few minutes, when the shock wore off, he came to me while I was manning the grill out back. He had tears in his eyes when he asked me where that money had come from "for real".
        I told him that I and Rose have the pleasure of belonging to one of the most generous and caring online communities that exists. No, it wasn't my money, it wasn't even my idea nor had I asked anyone for it. Instead, after hearing of his situation, and mine, these wonderful selfless people got together and decided that, if they had any say in it, he would have to worry that much less about the coming days. On top of that, I had been able to sell the ES, and that whatever of that money he needed would be his, and there would be no argument about it. He and my brother are my one and only concern.
        Bob is not a member here, but he is a lifelong motorcyclist. He actually is responsible for getting me back into street riding after a ten year layoff for me. Those of you who have met him know that he is a good, honest and caring man. Throughout the last 8-9 years of their marriage, my mothers health, while not on the verge of peril, has not been the greatest. She had a lot of "bad" days and he was there by her side un-failingly the whole time. He cared for my brothers as if they were his own children, despite all the trouble they both got into as teens. My youngest brother has had trouble with both alcohol and drugs, not to mention the law, and Bob was there every time to bail him out, or take him to probation and AA meetings. He has been one of the greatest influences and examples of a real MAN I have ever had the privilege of witnessing. I only hope that I can be half the man, husband, and father that he has been. For as stubborn as I am, and have been through this whole situation, he would he worse. But today I saw a man who was so grateful, whose heart was overcome with joy and relief, he was moved to tears.
        He told me to tell you all that he canning even beginto express his thanks and his amazement that there are still people in this world that actually care about eachother to the point they would bend over backwards to help a members family, who is a mostly complete stranger. To know that there are people that care like this makes him sure that indeed there is hope for this country, for us as a culture and that there is someone up there watching over him and looking out for us. He knows there is no way that he can even begin to thank everyone, but that he wanted me to pass on his thanks, gratitude and to tell you all that you have made a lasting impression on him that will not soon fade.

        And lastly, despite my initial reservations abou this, I simply wanted to thank you all, every single one of you, for everything you all have done to help Rose, my brother Joe, Bob and myself through the most difficult time of my life to date. For everything from simply being a sounding board for me, for the comments and condolences, the level of solace I've been able to take from you all, and of course the donations to help Bob. If there is ever ever anything that any one of us is able to do for any one of you, simply say the word. It won't even scratch the surface of the debt that I feel that I owe all of you, but I will do whatever I can. We are indeed family here, and yet again that point is driven home for me. You all should be very very proud of what Frank and you all have built here. There is no other place that is as caring and tight knit online or otherwise. This truely is a very special place, and God bless you all, Frank, and ol' Mr Suzuki for building not only and excellent motorcycle, but an item of attraction to bring all of these amazing people together.

        Lastly, please rest assured that every penny that any of you have or will have donated will go straight to Bob. I would request that as Billy sees fit the donations cease however at whatever time. With as much as I am stubborn, I cannot thank him enough for settingthis up for Bob, and I feel pretty sure that he is pretty close to being where he needs to be. Thank you all, so much, again

        It's been a few days since I've slept worth a crap, but it has caught up with me, and knowing that Bobs burden has been greatly reduced, I may actually sleep fairly well tonight. Goodnight my friends and family, and thank you, so many times thank you.




          Rest assured there are people here that know exactly what you're going through. As for when to cut this off, I don't think we need to. It will do that on its own without anyone's help. If we can build a little cushion for Bob then all the better. If this helps him get another month closer to being back on track with the mortgage then we will have done better than could be hoped for.

          Make sure Bob knows we don't do this to boast or stroke our egos, just doing what community used to be about. I never cared much for the "It takes a village" philosophy, but it truly does.


            Paypal sent, What a wonderful family GSR is. I am soo glad I found you guys.

            My condolences to you and your family.


              Best Forum Ever.

              Sorry for the loss you're all having to deal with, PP sent.

              Dan - aka /\/\ac


                A little more flow coming your way, guys. Can't do much, but can do something.
                Currently bikeless
                '81 GS 1100EX - "Peace, by superior fire power."
                '06 FZ1000 - "What we are dealing with here, is a COMPLETE lack of respect for the law."

                I ride, therefore I am.... constantly buying new tires.

                "Tell me what kind of an accident you are going to have, and I will tell you which helmet to wear." - Harry Hurt


                  PP sent ... Glad to help a brother and sister out in whatever small way is possible!



                    pay pal sent.

                    just happy to be able to help a member of a community that has helped me SO much.

                    My thoughts are with you.



                      I'm sorry about the delay in getting this done but I have just made a small donation on behalf of the GSR. My hope is that in some small way this goes to easing your step-dad's burden.

                      As I mentioned at your wedding, the GSR family is the best online family and they continue to prove it through the selfless things that they do. So let me join Josh, Rose, his step-dad and the rest of Josh's family in thanking all the GSR members who stepped up to help. You all truly gladden my heart and continue to prove there are good people in this world. Thank you so much! Josh, my prayers continue to go out for you and your family.

                      -- Frank --
                      This is a test of signatures.

                      There should be a word bolded in this line through the toolbar.

                      There should be a word bolded in this line through <b>HTML</b>

                      There should be a word bolded in this line through BBCode


                        What a great (and generous) idea, representing the entire GSR with a donation - way to go!

                        I hereby nominate you, Frank, as a GSR Superstar - feel free to post your new status any time. Now you can say (think "Hair Club for Men), "I'm not just the GSR Superstar president, I'm also a member!"



                          I'll second that motion... ...........pmint


                            SPAM! it looks like SPAM


                              Originally posted by JEEPRUSTY View Post
                              SPAM! it looks like SPAM
                              All things considered, a 5 year old thread, a nonsensical and unrelated post, and a link to a business...I would have to agree.
                              '83 GS650G
                              '83 GS550es (didn't like the colours in the 80's, but they've grown on me)


                                I never looked at the date till I was quite a bit into the thread.Yeah for sure,dumb asses

