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wheel swap

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    wheel swap

    I tried to simplify it as much as I could
    I couldnt get the 4.5 gixer wheel in at this time becouse it would of been more costly heres my cheaper alternative
    and works well, becouse it utilises the original swing arm caliper caliper mount and ef spacers


    it all fits like a glove, I need a 92 katana rear disc couse who ever had the wheel on there bike Damn near wore the brake rotor to death


      Thanks for sharing . . was looking for this info on another forum


        What type of rearsets are you using?
        They look different from stock


          Raask Rear sets, I was lucky to find a set on Ebay. I dont think there manufactured anymore


            Originally posted by joe.d
            Raask Rear sets, I was lucky to find a set on Ebay. I dont think there manufactured anymore
            :x EEERrrrrrrr, they really look nice. Did you modify the origional GS1150 instrument bracket. Or just made one yourself to get the Gixxer gauges to hang. Thanks for the input on the headlight and gauge wiring. - Mike


              the original gixer clock mount, mounted to the efe yokes originaly, with a couple of washers, now im using the Gixerforks and yokes it all mounts up as it should


                Did you have to cut your sidestand any?


                  YEp I had to cut a 3/4 of a inch off and reweld the foot on


                    Originally posted by joe.d
                    YEp I had to cut a 3/4 of a inch off and reweld the foot on
                    :? Could I not use a 130/90 or a 140/80 rear tyre on a 4.0 inch rear rim like a Bandit 400 and keep some of my seat height. I say this cause I like the three spoke look. Tho I would rather have stright spokes.

                    How does your bike handle in the corners with the low profile 17 inch rubber on both ends? I guess your rearsets really help out in this case? Did you remove your centerstand?

                    I got my gixxer front wheel mounted now I am wondering if I really want to go with the low profile 17 inch rear wheel and will it level the bike to the point that the steering feels flat? My last bike was extended so seat height was not an issue.

                    Anyone know how tall of a tyre you can put on a 4.5 inch rear rim? I currently have a GS style 3.5 and was considering just going with a Bandit 400cc 4.0 inch rear rim. They are directional but still look nice. I need to see what the GS500 rear sizing is, it may be 4.0 stright-spoke :?

                    :P Thanks in advance, I warned everyone on my initial post that I would have questions later 8) [/img]

