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Early unveiling... suggestions and comments welcome!

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    Early unveiling... suggestions and comments welcome!

    So after a couple of months of working on this thing... I figured it's finally worth showing some people.

    This was an '83 GS1100GK... It still needs a lot of work, but it flys around the neighborhood. Turn signals and shocks should be here this week, and I still need to figure out if I want to black the engine and the headers.

    Nice! I'll bet those pipes are loud...
    Currently bikeless
    '81 GS 1100EX - "Peace, by superior fire power."
    '06 FZ1000 - "What we are dealing with here, is a COMPLETE lack of respect for the law."

    I ride, therefore I am.... constantly buying new tires.

    "Tell me what kind of an accident you are going to have, and I will tell you which helmet to wear." - Harry Hurt


      early unveiling....

      You're a little ahead of my '78 750...but I can see the progress you're making. Curious what you're doing about the bars and the dent in the tank? I've got both those to deal with on mine.


        Keep at it buddy


          I'd black the engine and pipes.

          Lookin' good.


            Your garage makes me feel right at home. It sounds and looks like your having fun, so that's good. Welcome, also, to the "dents in the tank" club.


              The pipe isn't that loud, it has a nice low growl to it that is managable.
              I don't know what to do about the handlebar/tank situation. I just don't have the technical know how on how to remedy the situation. As far as the actual dents... I'm not that into looks, rather the performance. Plus when the ugly old bike blows past...
              I'm having a great time. The only stressful part so far, was on how to mount the Accels since the bracket they came with were too big, as were the actual coils themselves. The stock coils seemed tiny in comparison.
              I'm totally going to black out the headers, but the engine... I'm just not so sure I can do a good job.
              Thanks for all the comments.


                That is one heavy motorbike for struts. I'd keep an eye out for cracks near the upper mount. Maybe rethink the whole idea, too.


                  love the yellow touch too the wires. please explain what you use too the coils and how you tied them into the plastic piceces. Never saw the handle bars so low before hows that on cornerning.


                    I think I understand your question... I didn't replace only the wires, I actually replaced the entire coil system with Accels. I thought about digging out the glue and all of that, but I got an awesome price on the whole set up.
                    As for the cornering, it's a bit tight when just manuevering the bike around the garage, but when it's actually being ridden slowly or quickly there are no problems.

