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Shut-Off Switch Panel - Is it a good Idea?

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    Originally posted by Baatfam View Post
    Ah, I see it now, missed that line. So you are correct to bring up legalities.

    However, I would still maintain that installing said switch is not illegal.
    Riding on public roads with light off would be illegal, but just adding the switch? Not so sure.
    It may vary from state to state.
    The presence of such a switch makes the vehicle/bike non-conforming to federal/DOT vehicle standards and regulations for motorcycles made 1979 and later. Thus the vehicle itself, not just riding on the road with no lights, is what is illegal - at least for on-road/highway use. Is a cop really going to ticket you for it, laws are subject to interpretation so one can never know although he/she probably won't care unless they catch you riding with the headlight turned off.

    Originally posted by hjfisk View Post
    I personally would think that by the time you buy all the switches and relays you could just put a new battery in and not have to deal with the wiring aspects of it. Just my .02 cents
    I agree...Better to fix the bike right than do all this workaround crap.
    Last edited by Guest; 05-11-2013, 09:41 AM.

