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Lubing the Fork Lock bar

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    Lubing the Fork Lock bar

    Howdy again all! Still doing some winter PM on my bike here as its STILL below 35 degs and going to snow again for the 5th weekend in a!

    The key for my 650 is fairly loose and its not too difficult to easily slip past the ignition point and into the 'park' position (esp if focused on things other than the task of turning the key) which locks the forks. I've accidently/unintentionally lock my handle bars atleast 3 times and its a real witch to get them unlocked.

    I've taken to balancing up the bike and straightening up the handle-bars before turning the key to prevent it from happening but should it happen again....

    Is there a way to either lube the locking bar to make it easier to retract once the handle bars are locked? With it being so tough to unlock them, is the problem with the lock mechanism (my suspicion) or in the keyslot iteself?

    My key seems to be the original and is fairly worn down. I don't know if the dealer could cut me a fresh key or would just try to make a copy off the one I have which may or may not be any better, but then I'd atleast have a spare.


    Thanks for all the other inputs along the way. Once the garage gets above freezing I'll be ready to reassembly my stator and do the connections to the existing wiring.

    jbs in Co

    stumped the group!

    Wow.....thought I'd post to it just to get it back in the recent postings...


      Oops totally missed this post, my bad!!
      Remove the lock, take it and the key to ANY Locksmith, he will cut a new key & overhaul the lock for about $30; also lube the lockbar BTW.
      DO NOT go near a dealer he willl charge you $30 for a key blank alone, and then send it out to a locksmith.




        What do I lube the lockbar with? I know where it is and I don't think will have been lubed in ages.



          Originally posted by jbs80106 View Post
          What do I lube the lockbar with? I know where it is and I don't think will have been lubed in ages.

          Start with a little WD-40 / PB blaster and the can always add some white lithium to it once you get it to move freely.

