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coil questions

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    coil questions

    I have been looking at after market coils and they all ask about ohms and cdi/non cdi. I have a 1980 gs750e and am not sure what Iam looking for as far as what ohms or if its cdi or not.

    The Suzuki service manuals have information on what ohm range your coils need to be. Basscliff hostes the manuals.

    Your bike has an electronic ignition...although it's not a CDI type. Most people running aftermarket coils use the green Dyna coils.

    Good luck.

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      stock coils are about 5 ohm

      your bike will love the 3 ohm "green coils"

      T.P.I is what you have. it is a D.C. system collapsing field wind in the coils
      CDI is also called a magneto it is a AC system. rising field type of coil.

      the lower the primary resistance equals the quicker saturation time = higher revs without misfire == which in normal talk is 5 ohm will rev to 9000 rpm 3 ohm 11,000 rpm,
      SUZUKI , There is no substitute


        thank you that clears a lot up


          what is the differance between the dyna s and the dyna 4000 ignitinons(crank trigger)Ive been looking at some and it appers that the dyna s will work in my 80 gs750 not sure about the dyna 4000 seeing that they are about the same price I was wondering if one is better and if both will work in my bike. I have the 3 ohm green dyna coils if that makes a differance. Thanks for the help

