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1985 gs750es

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    1985 gs750es

    Thought i'd post my before and afters of my bike ..
    1985 gs750es , picked it up for $400 wasn't running ..
    Rebuilt carbs , replaced most of the ignition and had it running finally well ) took a long time to chase wires etc ..
    trying to do a few mods .. i wish the bike was a bit louder only because the street here is kinda busy at time and well i just like to be noticed any opinions would be greatly appreciated thanks .

    before , wasn't insured since 2009 was quite full of spiders

    painter by trade im really plain .. lol , i did a few mods tho , the side panels were just ruined had to remold most of them .. shaved reflectors and stuff changed out turn singles

    Last edited by Guest; 07-31-2012, 03:43 AM.


      That looks very good - like the color.

      You remolded side panels ?


        partially , they were there just in pieces , some spots i had to remold other spots i just had to repair


          Real nice looking ! Like the paint color.

          Concerning sound : I have the same model with 4 into 1, don't know the model and I really enjoy the sound out of it.
          Here's a pic (a year ago in the mod process) if you want to see what it look like :

          good luck and let us know what you find.


            wonder if i can change mine into a 4 into 1 lol . i know that its allot better sound .. hrmm


              like your rim / tires , is that aftermarket setup? doesnt seem like i can run any bigger unless i change out the brake bar


                Changes yours in a 4 into 1...I guess if you have welding capabilities yes. Some build their own...on my part I wouldn't touch this as I don't know the basic of "how to make an exhaust that work well"...

                off topis on

                Rim & tires is a different story ! I used a 92 750 gixxer donor for all the suspension parts and wheels....rim size is (apparentely) 17x5.5 back and I run 170 back and 120 front.
                The idea was to be able to run radial tires instead of byplass

                Some did the change without changing swing arm I think'll find information on this forum as well as on oldskoolsuzuki.

                off topic off

                Have fun !


                  nice resurrection sir!
                  my input (not that you'd want it!) would be to slice the top of the windshield some. Give the overall appearance a better 'flow', if you will.
                  Might help with that 'like to be noticed' too !!!!


                    the windshield idea i like it! ... im gonna have to do that great idea , i actually wanted to remold that front and give it a more modern circle headlight aswell lol .. this winter i will hopefully have time to do that , along with exhaust and the tire/rim upgrade .. thanks for your input guys

