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My Gs850 project bike

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    Thanks, I’ll just wait the few days so I got them from that link.


      Update, most of the bike is back together, finished rebuilding the carbs, evaporusted the gas tank/installed new petcock. The only unexpected issue I’m having right now is That I was testing the throttle operation, it was snapping back fine. And then it just got stuck... when i figure that out tomorrow I’ll try and get it started. I’m having a friend help me wire the regulator tomorrow.


        Could be something simple like improperly routed throttle cables or maybe even the plastic sleeve at the handlebars hanging up.
        2@ \'78 GS1000


          A clamp the previous owner had on the intake boot was getting in the way of the throttle. Seems good now. It wouldn’t start though. Acting like it did before I rebuilt the carburetors minus the leaking of gas...


            The gas leak came back. Im not sure where exactly right now. Things are not looking good for the motorcycle, I only have until the 13th when I leave for 6 months.
            Untitled by David Torres, on Flickr


              Just a guess. Stuck float needle. Try rapping on the #1 carb bowl w/ the handle of a screwdriver. See if the needle drops. Check your oil for gas. Gas could be flowing into the combustion chamber and filling your oil.
              1982 GS 750TZ
              2015 Triumph Tiger 1200

              BikeCliff's / Charging System Sorted / Posting Pics
              Destroy-Rebuild 750T/ Destroy-Rebuild part deux


                Tapped the bowl with screwdriver and it almost started. Guess i should pull it off and check the float needle


                  That looks a lot of petrol leaking hard to tell where from on the picture simple things first float bowl drain not tightened up, petcock not left on prime, float height incorrectly set, float leaking ( allowing fuel to flow all the time although petcock would have to be faulty if bike not running) float needle valve stuck open or damaged, crack/split gasket on float bowl. Or a combination of one or more.
                  As said in other post a little light tapping around the float bowl may shake the float valve lose it's not unknown for them to stick open more so when they have been dry for some time.
                  Last edited by fastbysuzuki; 11-07-2019, 03:13 PM.
                  The big guy up there rides a Suzuki (this I know)
                  1981 gs850gx

                  1999 RF900
                  past bikes. RF900
                  gsx 750f x2
                  197cc Francis Barnett
                  various British nails


                    I got it started. oil is leaking from the oil filter. Think the stud bolt isn’t pushed in all the way


                      Well bought a new battery and finished the sh755 install today. When I was trying to get to the bottom of the oil filter leaking I noticed that the stud bolt/s for the oil filter cap are stripped when trying to screw on the nuts.


                        You're not having much good luck with this bike. Hang in there.
                        If the studs are just stripped and not broken it is usually not that difficult a fix.
                        Access can be a pain and hopefully the studs are not seized in place.
                        A decent video on the fix.
                        2@ \'78 GS1000


                          At least two stud bolts have damaged threads, Seems like I may have been able to temporarily get that oil filter cover on with extra washers and careful tightening. I’ll know for sure if it leaks when I get it start.... next issue... something must have gone wrong with the shindengen sh755 install. Starter is not clicking and the 3rd fuse down blew(10a). Seeing a little smoke coming from around the starter solenoid area.


                            The new battery had reversed terminals and it’s wired properly now
                            Last edited by BlackThunder; 11-08-2019, 04:05 PM.


                              Had it started and idling for a minute or two. Something must be sticking or need adjusting because it’s bogging and dying when you give it throttle. Also the oil filter is not leaking and it was running for a few minutes


                                I got it to a nice idle and rode around the neighborhood a few times. Everything seems good besides a slow leak coming from the oil filter cover. (Any ideas on what I can do temporarily stop that until I can permanently fix it when I return in 6 months?) And Thank you all for the helpful information and advice.

